Yama - Ethics & Morals - Non-violence, Truthfulness, Non-Stealing, Continence (Self-restraint), Non-covetousness (desire for possess things that belong to someone else)
Niyama - Five spiritual & self-discipline observances - cleanliness, contentment, spiritual austerities, study of scriptures and surrender to God - this does not need to be a physical God but rather your own truth
Asana - The physical practice of Yoga Postures, care and respect of the physical body
Pranayama - Breathing Practices to calm the central nervous system and quieten the mind
Pratyahara - Control of the senses, drawing the attention inward, closing off from external distractions
Dharana - The ability to concentrate on inner awareness, focusing on a single point, for example the breath
Dhyana - Meditation - Unbroken flow of concentration
Samadhi - Union with the Divine - A feeling of deep inner peace and calmness
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Updated: Jan 9, 2023